Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Climate change continues mould pressure on rural communities whose livelihoods are dependent on natural resources. In arid and semi arid areas communities are becoming more vulnerable in their efforts to harness their livelihood from already degraded environmental resources. Climate change is attributed directly or indirectly to human activities that alter the composition of global attribution (IPCC, 2011). Some of the community adaptations have greatly affected the atmosphere and thereby increasing vulnerability
Due to decreasing water availability and dwindling harvests in communities who majorly depend on rain fed agriculture, maladaptation practices such as charcoal burning, sand harvesting and cultivation along the river banks have reduced natural environments ability to provide for its habitants. In global scale the release of green house gases of transport sector and industries have continued to increase the average temperature as the green house gases remain in the lower atmosphere. Some of the noticeable impacts of climate change have been floods which have resulted to devastating impacts on livelihoods by destroying agricultural crops, disrupting electricity supply and demolishing infrastructure. Although drought is naturally occurring phenomenon that exists when precipitation is significantly below normal, however climate change has led to more occurrences of drought which are severer characterized by high temperatures, low humidity and minimal rainfalls
Climate variability and change pose major threats to the Environment, to economic growth and to sustainable development. In Kenya, the negative effects of change variability and change include reduced agricultural production, reduced food security, increased instances of droughts, widespread disease epidemics and increased risk of conflict over scarce land and water resource.
Youth and Climate Change adaptations
Inades Formation Kenya has been on the forefront to build community resilience to climate change through enhancing their adaptation capacities. In Kasikeu, Mwala and Matiliku Inades Formation Kenya did identify three youth groups to work with them to adapt to threatening menaces of climate change. This decision to engage the youth groups was informed by the understanding that youth are coupled with myriad of challenges on earning income due to high unemployment levels within the counties and country in general. Land which is key factor of production has been elusive to the youth as they lack title deeds and right of use.
Upon the identification the groups were trained on various income generating activities which they have been able to raise income and lead more decent lives.
Interlocking brick making machine
 Interlocking brick making machine is a press heavy duty machine which is manually operated and makes durable bricks from mixture of cement and soil without having to go through baking process which is not eco friendly. Conventionally bricks are made using soil and water and later baked using wood fuel to make them durable. This process is water intensive and requires large mass of wood fuel for baking processes. This entire process leads to large loss of water resource and forest cover. Once the groups were identified and appraised they were trained and supported with interlocking brick making machine.
Upon the training the groups have been making brinks for own bricks and being contracted to make bricks for neighboring communities. These machines have proofed to be the solution the environmentally destructive construction industry   especially in the rural areas. With declining sources of incomes for the youth and changing climate, innovations such as interlocking machine continues to provide the much anticipated eco friendly solutions and ought to be promoted by all stakeholders.
Youths make over 55% of population in Kenya and efforts to avail job opportunities need to be availed. Through provision of capital to start small enterprises, provision of water both for domestic and agricultural uses and eco friendly interventions such as interlocking brick making machines need to be promoted. Boda boda sector which offers employment opportunity to the youth either offers great opportunity but with environmental pollution from Green house gases from the engine run motorbikes.
Advantages of interlocking brick making Machine
The production of high quality bricks, uniform in size and shape with defined edges and smooth surfaces, makes constructions easier
There is mobilization and empowerment of communities to create local infrastructure and amenities which are eco friendly
The machine provide long time income generation with minimal maintenance costs
Suitable for wide range of soil structure and requires minimal skills and knowhow to operate
Financial implications
Onsite manufacture of interlocking bricks dramatically reduces transportation costs and damages during transit
The construction cost of materials especially cement is significantly reduced
Unskilled people can be quickly trained to use the interlocking brick making machine
Cost analysis reveals that savings of upto 50% can be achieved in construction of water tanks, houses, septic tanks, classrooms, public amenities and well linings
Environmental implications
Interlocking bricks are cured and not baked through fire, this drastically reduces the environmental damages of construction when compared to soil fired bricks
Interlocking machine can be obtained from
Making Engineering servies ltd
Article by Andrew Nyamu
Project officer
Agriculture Innovations and Climate Change
Inades Formation Kenya
Email: andrew.muendo@inadefo.net/ www.andrewnyamuconservationcentre.org

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