Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Woes of Ukambani farmers and residents may soon come to an end in near future. A new species of lacebark elm tree which does well in arid and semi arid areas is being planted by farmers in their efforts to combat Climate Change in their locality. The tree by the name Melia Volkensii may redeem the residents of Ukambani from the current difficulties they are facing subject to long dry spell the place has witnessed in the region year in year out.  
 Melia Volkensii plant has very hard seed shell in which the seed are enclosed in it. To plant, the seed shell is first crushed against hard object but with great care to ensure that the seed are not destroyed. After the seed have been removed from their hard inner shell they are then dried in hot sun for two to four days depending on the intensity of the sun rays. Once the seeds have fully dried up they are then put in course wet sand for the root and shoot to develop. When the shoot starts to appear they then transplanted to nursery where they develop before they are taken to the farm, while still on the nursery they are highly protected from direct sunlight. This is because the seed are very fleshy and hot sun can easily make them wither
 After the seedlings have grown in the nursery they are then transplanted in the field. While planting them earth pots are dug to ensure that the irrigated water can be conserved. A temporally fence is erected around the seedling to safeguard it from effects from external force such as wild animals, domestic animals and any other form of interference. The shielding is very essential because the plant is very vulnerable and slide effect during the tender age of the tree can easily affect the entire life span of the tree making it produce poor quality timber. After the seeds have stabilized the fence is removed to ensure that they have access to sunlight significant for their growth and development.
 The tree has a wide range of the benefits both to the local community and natural Environment. Since the tree adapts well in Arid and Semi-Arid areas it can successfully be used to replace those species which are unable to withstand dry climatic condition. This is very beneficial especially in this era when there is global warming coming up as a result of concentrations of green house gases in the Atmosphere because forests which used to act as carbon sinks have  either been cleared to pave way for human ventures or have dried up as a result of change in Weather patterns. Melia Volkensii can help to reclaim these forests and afforest the bare lands in arid and semi arid areas. This tree species offers very comfortable shade since its bushy in nature and thereby can act as green space in homestead farms of public places such as market places, churches, schools etc. the tree either provides high quality timber and within a short period, this is substantial benefits to residents of Arid and Semi Arid areas as they can grow this species in place of those species which of late have proved to be hectic to plant and maintain due to high water required rates. This in turn offers an alternative source of livelihood in Ukambani and other similar areas. Either Melia Volkensii tree burns slowly and releases minimal smoke this is effective in reducing indoor pollution which has posed health threat to residents in rural areas women being the most affected. Finally the tree has no effects to the neighboring vegetation.

 In this era when the humanity is under threat and faced by both economic and financial crisis, some innovation are fundamental in ensuring that the world remains habitable. Those species which can offer alternative income and help in forestation and reforestation need to be embraced by all. Intense research needs to be undertaken to find out which species both floral and faunal can do best in respective climatic conditions. This will in turn reclaim the lost glory of Mother Nature

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