Friday, February 14, 2025



Water is life and every effort to harvest, store and efficiently utilize water is worth to be undertaken. Kenya remains a water scarce country making agricultural productivity in many parts of the country unsustainable. The 6th Sustainable Development Goal is geared towards ensuring access to safe and affordable drinking water. This implies that water provision remains a priority at global arena.

Kenya has been experiencing heavy downpours during the rain seasons and extended dry periods. These phenomenon has resulted to reduced crop production, reduction of livestock pasture and general vegetation decline especially in Arid and Semi-Arid parts of the country. With changing climate, the situation is expected to get worse with time if no action is taken to cushion communities from declining water resource

Water harvesting remain viable solution to water challenges both at households and community levels. Many a time, biggest percentage of rain water is not usable by households and communities due to lack of water harvesting structures and knowhow. This is demonstrated when communities have to travel long distances to fetch water immediately after rains. The painful irony is the factor that the water at the water points is product of surface runoff from their households and farms.

Surface water runoff remain least explored means water harvesting. After rains, huge amounts of water drain in rivers, streams, pathways, roads and at times cause disasters such as loss of lives and destruction of properties. The surface runoff can be utilized with ease and made available for households for domestic and agricultural uses. This can be done through channeling the surface water to water ponds, earth dams, arable lands and other water harvesting structures.

Roof catchments too provide ideal water harvesting avenue, many rural households have access to low cost water tanks and jericans which are mainly used for water harvesting. With right incentives by government, roof catchment offers complementary source to household water availability. The high penetration of plastics tanks and concrete water reservoirs has seen short term water harvesting done targeting domestic water uses while farm ponds remain adorable water harvesting and storage techniques for both domestic and agriculture.

Farm ponds have also proven to be manageable water harvesting option at household level. Many small and marginal farmers have found farm ponds to be ideal solutions to their water struggles. Farm ponds are small in size and thus fit well within these farmers’ land holding size. They are easy to construct and mainly do not require skilled labour, they can be filled by small amounts of rain. Furthermore, since they are individually managed farmers can freely use the harvested water without any competition or conflict. In addition, farm ponds save women and children from walking for miles to find, collect, and carry water for domestic use. Farm ponds can also provide an additional source of income for families by supporting activities like fish rearing and growing vegetables.

At community levels, earth dams and water pans are being excavated to provide large scale water source. Although they have not been much explored by both government and development actors. With right water catchment, earth dams are able to harvest substantial amounts of water which is available for communities during dry seasons. They provide solution to medium scale water needs for livestock, horticulture and household uses. Although susceptible to pollution due to level of exposure, many a time community through their management committees provide much needed leadership and regulatory bylaws which prevent pollution and misuse of the rare commodity.

Friday, February 7, 2025



Church remain one of most respected institutions and plays significant role in influencing quality of life through offering spiritual nourishment and material support to its congregants. Anchored in the Bible, Church grew from tiny village of Judea. The faith has grown over the entire world to claim loyalty of about a third of world population by today. According to the scripture, upon creation, Adam and Eve where given solemn duty to take care of the Garden of Eden, an indication of the significance of environmental conservation to mankind.

In Kenya, Church has held grip on many decisions of its members and its word is taken with respect and honor by congregants. Church is the only institution where goers don’t expect meals facilitation and transport refund, instead, they are the ones ready to give to support clergy and Church development. Kenya being a strictly religious country, one wonders why there is so much environmental degradation yet environmental conservation has its origin in the Bible. Generosity, loyalty and respect accorded to Church by its followers offers opportunity for Environmental conservation.

Church institutions remain vibrant most of the time as congregants assemble to worship or seek spiritual and material support. In rural setting and some urban areas, Churches own land where their structures have been put up, however, such institution at times remain epitome of environmental unconsciousness. With relevant mobilization, Church can take leading role in mobilizing its members to actively participate in environmental conservation. Within the institution, the congregants can plant trees, establish water harvesting structures to cater for Church water requirement.

National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK), a oriented organization in Kenya has taken bold steps to ensure its members conserve their environment at both Church compounds, households and other affiliated institutions. NCCK did launch ambition 1.5 billion tree planting initiatives for the next 8 years targeting to contribute 10% of President target of 15 billion trees. The Church organization has mobilized its members and offered much anticipated support including provision of planting materials, water tanks and trainings on relevant environmental conservation skills to its member Churches.  

Church has always and timely offered direction to its members during time of crisis to cushion its members from potential risks. With the changing climate which remains most eminent global threat, its time Church voice is heard loud and clear when it comes to environmental degradation, emission of greenhouse gases, destruction of water catchments, charcoal burning, illegal logging among other environmental vices.

Church is the conscious of the society and fulfils its divine mandate to save the world.   One step in demonstrating its consciousness is to condemn environmental destruction. Church leaders need to preach green gospel to ensure amidst focus to eternal life, the life on the earth of livable for both human and non-human population. Providing instruction on environmental issues is another role of the Church in the conservation efforts. The Church teaches that the entire universe belongs to God. Mankind must protect the earth.

Article by

Andrew Muendo Nyamu

Young Africa Leadership Initiative (YALI) fellow 2018

Project Coordinator – Nature Positive food systems project

National Council of Churches of Kenya (NCCK) 


  Water is life and every effort to harvest, store and efficiently utilize water is worth to be undertaken. Kenya remains a water scarce cou...