Makueni County is the first within the region to pass
regulations on Climate Change. It has partnered with: UKAID, Ada Consortium,
Christian Aid and Anglican Development Services Eastern (ADSE). As a result,
the County has been at a position of accessing Kshs 50M seed money for Climate
Change Adaptation and Resilience
Past global efforts in dealing with problem of climate
change concentrated on mitigation with aim of reducing the effects of changing
climate. With slow progress in achieving this, adaptation has been viewed as a
viable option to reduce vulnerability and the anticipated negative impacts of
climate change. Common understanding is that adaptation and mitigation ought to
be pursued as complimentary but not independently. Large portion of Kenyan Land
mass is characterized by severe and frequent droughts with records dating back
into centuries. Farmers in this ASALs have always been facing climatic
variability at intra and inter annual and decadal time scales. While coping and
adaptation strategies have been classified in to crop diversification,
livelihood diversification, pastoral mobility and population migration
different legislative structure and international convections have been put in
place to address the effects and dangers associated with climate Change
On 12th December 2015, 196 parties to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), during COP 21
conference held at Paris adopted the Paris Agreement, a legally-binding
framework for internationally coordinating efforts to tackle climate change
culminating six years of international climate change negations under the
auspices of UNFCCC. The framework set out four articulate steps which are
putting emphasis on the processes rather than goals, unlike the Kyoto protocol
which had specific emission targets, this one relies on voluntary mitigation
contributions by member states. The Paris Agreement also establishes global
warming goal well below 2°C, this requires party states to formulate
progressively more ambitious climate change targets consistent with the goal
the agreement also establishes the obligation of all parties to contribute to
climate change mitigation and adaptation. The agreement too recognizes the
different starting points and responsibilities of countries and emphasizes the
agreement to be implemented in accordance with the principal of common but
differentiated responsibilities in respect to capabilities
Makueni County which lies in Arid and semi arid
ecological zone has established County climate change fund to step up efforts
to combat effects of climate change to its citizenry. The CCCF has enable the
county to access climate change finance from Adaptation consortium through
funding from DFID. The county through the CCCF did set aside 1% of its revenue
to be channeled towards climate change adaptation and mitigation which is big
plus for climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. Through the CCCF the
county has identified six pilot wards for implementation of the climate change
adaptation and resilience projects, the wards are Mtito-Andei, Nguu Masumba,
Kilungu, Mbitini, Kithungo Kitundu and Kiima Kiu Kalanzoni wards. This marks a
great step towards creating farmers resilience to climate change.
Through the
leadership of Governor H.E Kivutha Kibwana, Deputy Governor H.E Adeline Mwau
and Hon Douglus Mbilu ( CEC Water and Environmental Services), farmers of
Makueni county are in safe hands in matters relating to Climate change
Article by
Andrew Muendo
officer Agriculture Innovations and Climate Change
Formation Kenya